Repeated measures aninmal model

How to fit and interpret permanent environment effects.
repeatedphenotypicdata <- read.csv("data/gryphonRepeatedMeas.csv")
pedigreedata <- read.csv("data/gryphonped.csv")
inverseAmatrix <- inverseA(pedigree = pedigreedata)$Ainv

The key to repeated measurement animal models is having a duplicate of the individual identity in the dataset. This allows to fit for each individual a breeding value, that is connected to the relatedness matrix, and a permanent environment value that is not. Let’s keep id as the additive genetic random effect and call the duplicate pe (for permanent environment).

repeatedphenotypicdata$pe <- repeatedphenotypicdata$id

We will fit a random effect for id, one for pe and one for cohort, so the G element of the prior will have three elements:

prior_model_repeat_1 <- list(G = list(G1 =  list(V = 1, nu = 0.002),
                                     G2 =  list(V = 1, nu = 0.002),
                                     G3 =  list(V = 1, nu = 0.002)),
                            R =  list(V = 1, nu = 0.002))
model_repeat_1 <- MCMCglmm(lay_date ~ 1 + age, 
                           random = ~ id + pe + cohort, 
                           data = repeatedphenotypicdata,
                           ginverse = list(id=inverseAmatrix), 
                           prior = prior_model_repeat_1, 
                           burnin = 10000, nitt = 30000, thin = 20)

The mixing is okay but not great, and the id and pe chains appear to be a bit in mirror image.

plot(model_repeat_1$VCV[,c("id", "pe")])

That is usual in these models as it is difficult to disentangle the two effects that are linked to the same individual identity. We can see that the two posterior distributions are negatively correlated:

plot(as.matrix(model_repeat_1$VCV[,c("id", "pe")]))

It could be a good idea to rerun the model with parameter-expanded priors and / or with more iterations to get a bit more precision on credible intervals.

Assuming we are happy with the model fit, we can compute heritability as:

heritability1 <- model_repeat_1$VCV[,"id"] / rowSums(model_repeat_1$VCV)

median(heritability1); HPDinterval(heritability1)
## [1] 0.1674188
##           lower     upper
## var1 0.06635602 0.2886643
## attr(,"Probability")
## [1] 0.95

and repeatability as:

repeatability1 <- (model_repeat_1$VCV[,"id"] + model_repeat_1$VCV[,"pe"]) / 

median(repeatability1); HPDinterval(repeatability1)
## [1] 0.3387718
##          lower     upper
## var1 0.2781737 0.3955035
## attr(,"Probability")
## [1] 0.95

If we want to take into account the variation due to age, the calculations become:

predictions <- model_repeat_1$X %*% t(model_repeat_1$Sol)
fixef_variance <- apply(predictions, MARGIN = 2, var)

heritability2 <- model_repeat_1$VCV[,"id"] / (rowSums(model_repeat_1$VCV) + fixef_variance)

median(heritability2); HPDinterval(heritability2)
## [1] 0.1578724
##           lower     upper
## var1 0.06463513 0.2743074
## attr(,"Probability")
## [1] 0.95


repeatability2 <- (model_repeat_1$VCV[,"id"] + model_repeat_1$VCV[,"pe"]) /
                            (rowSums(model_repeat_1$VCV) + fixef_variance )

median(repeatability2); HPDinterval(repeatability2)
## [1] 0.3190819
##          lower     upper
## var1 0.2636708 0.3759841
## attr(,"Probability")
## [1] 0.95

Reading to go further

  • Kruuk & Hadfield, 2007. How to separate genetic and environmental causes of similarity between relatives. Journal of Evolutionary Biology
  • Ponzi & al, 2018. Heritability, selection, and the response to selection in the presence of phenotypic measurement error: Effects, cures, and the role of repeated measurements. Evolution